My First Web Page

What Is This?

This is my first web page.

How exciting!

Yes, it really is that exciting! Warning: Level of excitement may induce fainting.

Why is this?

About This

I live with ME/CFS so my learning and updating might be slow and not exactly steady.

Where To Find The Tutorial I'm Using


Things I Like

Books Shows Animals
The Three Musketeers Jujutsu Kaisen Penguins
Mithgar Series Dorohedero Cats
Elric Saga Doctor Who Butterflies

Quotes I Like

It is the very nature of this world that all things are devoured and time is a mouth as bloody as any other.~ Santino, The Vampire Armand by Anne Rice

I am yours
however distant you may be.
There blows no wind but wafts your scent to me.
There sings no bird but calls your name to me.
Each memory that has left its trace with me
lingers forever as a part of me.
Nizami, Clapton